Ruby On Rails Download Mac

How do I use Ruby on Rails on Mac?

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  3. Ruby On Rails Download Mac Version
  4. Ruby On Rails Download File

Follow the steps given below for installing Ruby on Rails. Step 1: Check Ruby Version. First, check if you already have Ruby installed. Open the command prompt and type ruby -v. If Ruby responds, and if it shows a version number at or above 2.2.2, then type gem -version. If you don't get an error, skip Install Ruby step. Otherwise, we'll. Before doing anything else, you need to install Ruby on your computer. If you are using Mac OS X (or some versions of Linux) you may already have Ruby installed. At any rate, you can download the latest version of Ruby from Be sure to download the binaries (not merely the source code). Installing Rails is as simple as running the following command in your Terminal: gem install rails -v Rails is now installed, but in order for us to use the rails executable, we need to tell rbenv to see it: rbenv rehash. And now we can verify Rails is installed: rails -v # Rails At this time (April 2014), Mac OS X Mavericks (10.9) is the current version, as is Ruby 2.1.1 and Rails 4.1. This article Install Ruby on Rails - Mac OS X Mavericks provides up-to-date installation instructions.

Ruby Download

How to Install Ruby on Rails Development Environment – for Mac OS X

Ruby On Rails Download Mac
  1. Upgrade Your System to OS X Mavericks.
  2. Install XCode Command Line Developer Tools.
  3. Install Homebrew.
  4. Install Ruby with RBENV.
  5. Install Git and Set Up GitHub Account.
  6. Create a New Rails Application.
  7. Set Up Sublime Text as Code Editor.

Where is Ruby installed on Mac?

MacOS comes with a “system Ruby” pre-installed. If you see /usr/bin/ruby , it is the pre-installed macOS system Ruby.

How do I update Ruby on my Mac?

Here is the process I followed:

  1. Check the version of Ruby installed on your Mac. Open terminal and type:
  2. Install the Ruby Version Manager rvm. In terminal, curl -L | bash -s stable.
  3. Install the latest version of Ruby. rvm install ruby-[version]
  4. Set the latest version of Ruby as the one you want to use.

How do I open a Ruby file on Mac?

Interactive Ruby

  1. If you’re using macOS open up Terminal and type irb , then hit enter.
  2. If you’re using Linux, open up a shell and type irb and hit enter.
  3. If you’re using Windows, open Interactive Ruby from the Ruby section of your Start Menu.

How do I compile Ruby on Mac?


  1. Get the Code. Switch to /usr/local/src and download the source package.
  2. Compile and Install. Configure, compile and install into /usr/local/mac-dev-env/ruby-2.6.
  3. Shell. Execute the following lines to update your Bash startup script.
  4. Verify the Installation. Verify that you have successfully installed Ruby.

How do I download and install Ruby?

Installing Ruby Using the RubyInstaller Tool

  1. Step 1: Download the RubyInstaller Tool. Use a web browser to navigate to the Download page (linked above).
  2. Step 2: Run the Ruby Installer. Browse to the location of the RubyInstaller tool, and double-click.
  3. Step 3: Verify the Ruby Installation.

Is Ruby free to use?

Since its public release in 1995, Ruby has drawn devoted coders worldwide. Ruby is also completely free. Not only free of charge, but also free to use, copy, modify, and distribute.

How do I use Ruby Installer?

How to Install and Run Ruby on Windows

  1. Go to Ruby Installer in your web browser.
  2. Click the big red Download button. A list of RubyInstallers appears.
  3. Click Ruby 2.2. 2 near the top of the RubyInstallers list.
  4. Run the installer program by choosing Run Program (if Windows presents this option) or double-clicking the file when it’s done downloading.

How do I install Ruby globally?

Follow the steps given below for installing Ruby on Rails.

  1. Step 1: Check Ruby Version. First, check if you already have Ruby installed.
  2. Step 2: Install Ruby.
  3. Step 3: Install Rails.
  4. Step 4: Check Rails Version.
  5. Step 1: Install Prerequisite Dependencies.
  6. Step 2: Install rbenv.
  7. Step 3: Install Ruby.
  8. Step 4: Install Rails.

How do I run an existing Ruby on Rails project?

Ruby On Rails Download Mac Full

How to run an existing Ruby-on-Rails project locally after cloning a repository. The first thing to do is to find the Ruby version used in the Rails project. Then, install the ruby version, bundler gem, dependencies (packages). Finally, set up the database and run the Rails project.

How can I get Ruby on Rails for free?

Ruby On Rails Download Mac Version

Learn Ruby on Rails for Free With These 6 Websites

Ruby On Rails Download File

  1. Codecademy. Codecademy is one of the most renowned online code schools to offer free programming courses.
  2. The Ruby on Rails Tutorial. If in-depth reading is more your style, you’ll undoubtedly be drawn to The Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl.
  3. Try Ruby.
  4. Ruby Koans.
  5. Rails for Zombies.
  6. Roadmap for Learning Rails.