Resetter Canon Ip2700

Karena dengan melakukan reset berarti kita telah memberikan perintah kepada printer untuk mengembalikan pengaturan, informasi, dan hal lainnya yang telah direkam oleh printer, sehingga printer akan melakukan pengecekan kembali sesuai dengan kondisi tersebut. Untuk cara reset printer canon ip2770 dapat kalian simak di bawah ini. Apabila printer Canon IP2770 berkedip orange 4 kali dan hijau 1 kali, maka printer tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa bagian pad tinta penuh. Hal ini lumrah terjadi dan kamu tidak perlu khawatir secara berlebihan. Solusi mengatasinya sangat mudah sekali, yaitu kamu harus reset printer Canon IP2770 dengan software resetter. Cara Reset Printer Canon iP2770 / iP2700. Pertama Download file Resetter Canon iP2770 / iP2700 DISINI (Link Google Drive). Setelah berhasil di download, silakan instal dan jalankan aplikasi resetter tersebut. Sebelumnya silakan anda siapkan 2 lembar kertas yang sudah terpasang ke printer, hal ini akan digunakan saat proses reset printer anda. Cara Reset Printer Canon dengan Resetter Canon Ip2770. Pertama klik 2x software Resetter Printer Canon IP 2770 yang sudah di instal sebelumnya. Kemudian klik tombol MAIN, maka printer akan melakukan print satu halaman dengan tulisan D=000.0; Lalu klik tombol EEPROM Clear.

Canon printers are problematic? exit code Error 5200 ink Absorber Full Waste Tank. We lead the way easy reset Printer Canon IP 2770/IP 2700 or other brand of printer Cannon to restore default settings.

Canon Ip2770 Resetter Service Tool

Tutorials easy to reset Printer Canon IP2770 IP/2700

  1. Turn off the Printer Canon IP 2770/IP 2700 (electric/power cable and USB stick inserted).
  2. Press and hold the RESUME button and hold the . Press the POWER button until the green light turns on (the button resumes are not removable) The RESUME button is off (the POWER button still held down).
  3. Press button RESUME 5 times.
  4. The led will light up alternately Flash green with orange of the last orange. (not to be mistaken 4 time because the printer will die miserably, but its nature while also) Release both buttons simultaneously.
  5. Led will blink briefly after that will flame green.
  6. The computer will detect the new device, ignore only.
  7. Now the printer in a SERVICE MODE and ready to be reset

Note: If the wrong dial, disconnect the power cable and let the printer for about 2 minutes. Plug it back and repeat the steps above.

Following the steps above, then you need software Resetter Canon IP 2770/IP 2700

How to use Cannon Resetter IP 2770/IP 2700:

Ip2770Canon resetter download

1. Extract software

2. Run the software

3. prepare two papers/more on printer

4. Select the menu “MAIN”, the printer will print one page


5. Select the menu “EEPROM Clear.”

6. then select menu “EEPROM”, the printer will print


7. After that turn off the Printer and turn on again.

Canon Ip2700 Resetter

8. For details see this image: